General Hospital

General Hospital Preview for Wednesday, October 25: As [Spoiler] Returns, Carly and Nina’s Lives Are Rocked to Their Cores

nina carly

General Hospital had better build up a lot of momentum to get over the hump of hump day this week, ’cause on Wednesday, Oct. 25, the fit hits the shan, as they say!



As Carly is being smacked with news that will definitely leave her head spinning, nemesis Nina feels the ground beneath her feet crumbling. Mind you, given the big secret that she’d been keeping for so long — that she was the one who blew the whistle on Carly’s insider-trading scheme — Nina probably should’ve expected her world to be rocked. But she did a pretty good job of distracting herself with her and Sonny’s wedding (see the gorgeous pics here) and her burgeoning bond with long-lost daughter Willow.

GENERAL HOSPITAL - Episode "14913" - "General Hospital" airs Monday - Friday, on ABC (check local listings). (ABC/Craig Sjodin)MAURICE BENARD, CYNTHIA WATROS

“Have I ever mentioned how I feel about betrayal, Nina? Spoiler alert: Not good.”

Credit: ABC

In other developments, Cody puts his head together with bud Dante… but the question is, will the topic at hand be the feelings for Sasha that he perhaps doesn’t even altogether understand himself or the push/pull that has left him unsure whether to admit to Mac that they are father and son?

Mac advises Cody GH

On still other fronts, as Tracy and Lucy turn Deception into a battlefield, Maxie puts on an especially stylish business hat to share an idea that could be truly inspired. Plus, at long last, Kathleen Gati brings Obrecht back to the canvas. On Wednesday, she’ll be reconnecting with Willow — and just in time, too! Something tells us that she’s going to need Liesl’s shoulder to cry on when she learns about her mom’s “treachery.”

Obrecht is a match GH

Sonny Puts Selina’s Loyalty to the Test — Plus, Tracy Flexes Her Ownership of Deception and Gives Lucy an Order


Sonny tests Selina GH

Credit: ABC screenshot

Cyrus arrives at the hospital and runs into Portia. She tells him that while she can’t stop him from entering the hospital, she can stop him from approaching her and her family. He assures her that she has nothing to fear from him, and tells her that he’s a different man and that God has cleansed him of his sins. He states he’s here to ask forgiveness from her. She doesn’t want his apology and says the fact that he’s standing in front of her is a travesty of justice.



Cyrus confronts Portia GH

Portia assures him that she knows he’s not a changed man, and she’ll never believe his redemption act. Cyrus understands but says believe this, he’s very grateful to Laura, Jordan and Curtis for stopping his actions that night. He praises Curtis as a hero and is sorry he can’t protect her as he once could. Portia warns him to get away from her, and if he approaches her or her family she will call the cops and have him thrown back in prison.

Cyrus claims he's sorry GH

Portia walks away from Cyrus, gathers herself together, but has a flashback to Cyrus holding her hostage.

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Brook Lynn meets her mom at the Metro Court. Lois asks her daughter if she’s happy being back in music. Brook Lynn is and wishes she never left. Lois says not everyone agrees. Brook Lynn knows Tracy doesn’t want her in the music business, and she doesn’t care. Lois suggests Brook Lynn might want to care a little more about what Tracy thinks as she’s about to give her Deception.

Lois and BlQ talk Tracy GH

Brook Lynn is confused, but Lois says Tracy told her that she plans to hand control of the company over to her. She explains Tracy claims she acquired Deception for her. Brook Lynn thinks everything Tracy did was for Tracy and says any excuse that she did this for her is a lie. Lois isn’t so sure and does believe Tracy is going to hand over her controlling interest to her. Brook Lynn says she’d rather wait tables if she bombs in the music business than take a stolen company and plans to tell Tracy that. Lois tells her to slow down as she has a better way to handle this.

Tracy doesn't believe BLQ changed GH

Kevin catches up with Mac, who opens up about what happened with Cody. As they talk about Cody trying to save Sasha as he did Dominique, Scott appears. Scott insists on sitting down and joining them. Suddenly Cyrus interrupts and asks to have a word with his attorney Scott.

Scott interupts GH

Scott takes Cyrus aside and says their business is done, he was paid to defend him and that was it. Cyrus explains he again has use for his brilliant legal mind again. Meanwhile, Mac tells Kevin that Scott helping Cyrus won’t end well for him.

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Cody drops by Sam and Dante’s place to thank Sam for her help and has a gift for her. Sam opens the gift, it’s a softball signed by the women’s U.S. team. She thanks him for the gift and says she’ll put it in the family room for them all to share. Cody says he used to wonder what it would be like to be part of a family. He admits he had a chance at one but threw it away.

Sam and Cody talk Sasha GH

Cody opens up to Sam about Mac being his father, and that he lied to his face twice about it. Sam asks why he lied to him about being his son. Cody says he told himself he was going after money initially, but really, he thinks Mac is too good of a guy to have a son like him. Sam assumes Dante knows this, and Cody admits he does and is sorry he had Dante keep the truth from her. She asks if anyone else knows, and Cody says Sasha knows. She’s not surprised he trusted her with the secret. He says it’s not as it matters as Sasha is leaving Port Charles. She asks if he tried to stop her. He did, but says the movers are coming this morning and she’s probably gone by now

Cody opens up to Sam GH

Lucy and Maxie arrive at Deception to find Tracy waiting for them. Lucy asks what she wants. Tracy expects to be informed of all major decisions, including changing the face of Deception. Lucy rants that this is none of her business, but Tracy says her 51 percent ownership says otherwise, and she demands Sasha remain the face of Deception. Lucy says Sasha has been through hell, so throwing her back out into the public eye is cruel. Plus, the trouble she’s been through is bad for publicity. Tracy reminds Lucy that Sasha was the face that relaunched her precious company and says shutting out someone struggling like Sasha is is also bad publicity. Maxie stops Lucy and Tracy’s bickering and believes what Tracy is saying is to have a heart and give Sasha another chance. Tracy thanks Maxie for understanding.

Lucy and Maxie battle Tracy GH

Tracy believes Sasha deserves a break. Maxie understands and says she loves Sasha too, but Lucy says they’ve agreed on changing the face of the company. Tracy says she hasn’t agreed and demands Lucy call Sasha and tell her that her contact has been reinstated, and do it today.

Tracy gives orders GH

Tracy leaves, and Lucy assumes Tracy is up to something. Maxie doesn’t know what she’s up to, but she would like to work with Sasha again. Lucy agrees, but Maxie realizes if Sasha agrees to stay, what do they tell Blaze?

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Sasha continues packing up her apartment when Dante stops by. She invites him in and asks if she’s in trouble. He says he’s not here on police business. Dante tells her how sorry he is for what she went through and brings up his own bout of trauma and PTSD. He says it made him want to run away from everyone and everything too.

Sasha Dante visit GH

Sasha tells Dante the circumstances are a bit different between them as he had a family to come back to, and she doesn’t. She doesn’t have Brando or Liam as they were taken from her. She admits maybe he is right and she is running away, but the pain of all she’s lost and the mistakes she’s made are all around her. Dante just wants her to know she has people who love her like Michael, Willow, Chase, Maxie and Nina. Plus, she has new friends in him, Sam and Cody, and they’d miss her. He says whatever decision she makes, he wishes her the best. He reminds her that Brando was family, which makes them family, so reach out if she needs anything. Dante heads out.

Dante gives his advice GH

At Sonny’s restaurant, Dex fills Sonny in on the scuffle with Mason on the cliff, and Dante saving his and Ava’s lives. Sonny says they need to take care of Mason’s boss, Cyrus. Sonny says Cyrus made a mistake by abducting Ava.

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Sonny and Dex chat GH

Just then, Selina arrives, per Sonny’s invite. Selina congratulates him on his wedding. Sonny thanks her but asks how she allowed his cousin Gladys to run up such a debt and not inform him. Selina says Gladys paid her back, slowly, but the money came, and she decided not to bother Sonny with her debts. Sonny warns Selina that allies are honest with one another, while enemies lie, so she needs to decide which one she wants to be.

sonny calls out Selina GH

Selina promises Sonny that their alliance is vital to her interests, so he asks what happened with Gladys. Selina explains Gladys was using Sasha’s accounts to pay her back, as well as sold Brando’s garage to her. Sonny says she still didn’t come to him, and if he was the suspicious type, he would suspect her of trying to get leverage on him, which means they’d have a big problem.

Selina assures Sonny she doesn’t seek leverage over him, and she agrees she owed it to him as her ally to tell him what happened with Gladys as it unfolded. She asks how she can make amends. Sonny says he’s sure she knows Cyrus is a free man. She says she is aware.

The scene cuts to Dex seeing Selina out, and Sonny later tells Dex that Selina will have her people keep their eyes on Cyrus and let him know if he makes any moves or tries to contact her. Dex asks if they can trust her. Sonny only trusts that Selina will work towards her best interests, which is why he must keep her close.

On the next General Hospital:  Martin warns Michael to think about something before pulling the trigger. A shocked Nina asks what someone has done. Mason tells TJ he’s gotten out of worse spots. Laura tells Scott they need to talk. Austin grabs Cyrus and throws him up against a wall.

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