General Hospital

The identity of the person who will expose Nina is revealed

General Hospital’s Nina Is About to Confess to Sonny — But What Happens Next Could Be the Real Shocker!


GH mashup with Sonny and Nina looking at each other aghast

Credit: ABC screenshot


You know how folks like to say things like, “The truth will set you free”? Well, we’re going to guess they never watched a show like General Hospital or lived in a town like Port Charles. Because we’re pretty sure “free” is the last thing Nina will be feeling when the truth comes out about how she turned Carly and Drew into the SEC!



Because make no mistake: The truth is coming out. Nina just unwittingly confessed all to him earlier in the week thinking she was talking to a priest. He may be many things, including a supposed man of God, but a priest is not one of them and, as Cyrus is about to make clear, confidentiality is not a part of his personal morality.

Cyrus hears Nina Confession GH

Cynthia Watros spoke to Soap Opera Digest about this new threat, saying that Nina “has all these men coming to her, blackmailing her, wanting things. So what does Cyrus want now? I mean, stand in line, Cyrus, because there are a lot of men wanting stuff from Nina!”


He claims that his concern over what Nina told him has to do with wanting her to do the Godly thing and tell the truth, but Nina, Watros says, doubts that. Cyrus hates Sonny and he’s got just the thing in hand now to deeply hurt the mob boss.

So why not jump the gun and hurt Sonny herself? That’s when Nina decides that she’s going to spill it all to her hubby just before the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve. Start the new year with a clean slate and all. Well, that and a divorce.

Nina joins Sonny GH

“She promised to be open and honest” with Sonny, Watros says. “She knows he will be angry that she did something to hurt the mother of his children, but [especially] that she hid the truth and didn’t tell him for such a long time.”

But will she make it to Sonny before Cyrus does? Maybe, maybe not. But it also may not matter much because there could be another threat heading Nina’s way: Lois! Ned and Olivia are also sitting on the secret, but Olivia’s just teased Lois with the knowledge that she and her hubby know exactly who ratted Carly and Drew out but are keeping it to themselves.

If she thinks Lois is just going to let that little nugget go, though, then clearly Olivia doesn’t know a thing about her friend!

Olivia blabs to Lois GH

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But perhaps the greatest shock could come from Sonny’s reaction — if he doesn’t throw Nina out of his life! He, too, has done his share of lying and keeping secrets, and often for far worse reasons than Nina. Hers were, as Watros put it to Soap Opera Digest born out of insecurity.

“She has such a fear around losing her family, losing her daughter,” the actress explains. “She would do anything not to lose that, even if it’s making mistakes by not telling the truth.”

That could, paradoxically, end up bringing about exactly what she was afraid of and costing her her new family. But it might not. Ever since his time as Mike, Sonny’s been surprising us. Will he be ticked? Without a doubt. Will he lash out? Of course. But if Nina can beat him to the truth before anyone else, it may not be the end of their relationship. And if it’s not, Nina and Sonny could come out of this stronger than ever.

And they might need that strength, because nothing would tick Carly off more!

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